Friday, January 15, 2010

Telomere and telomerase (2)

Introduction to Telomeres and Telomerase

Author(s): Michael C. Bibby

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:01; Page Range: 1-12

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (81K)

Detection of Chromosome Ends by Telomere FISH

Author(s): Harry Scherthan

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:13; Page Range: 13-31

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (117K)

Telomere Length Distribution: Digital Image Processing and Statistical Analysis

Author(s): Jean-Patrick Pommier, Laure Sabatier

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:33; Page Range: 33-63

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (351K)

Analysis of Telomerase RNA Gene Expression by In Situ Hybridization

Author(s): W. Nicol Keith, Joseph Sarvesvaran, Martin Downey

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:65; Page Range: 65-81

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (132K)

Relative Gene Expression in Normal and Tumor Tissue by Quantitative RT-PCR

Author(s): Dennis S. Salonga, Kathleen D. Danenberg, Jean Grem, Ji Min Park, Peter V. Danenberg

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:83; Page Range: 83-98

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (138K)

Quantitative Detection of Telomerase Components by Real-Time, Online RT-PCR Analysis with the LightCycler

Author(s): Thomas Emrich, Sheng-Yung Chang, Gerlinde Karl, Birgit Panzinger, Chris Santini

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:99; Page Range: 99-108

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (98K)

Standard TRAP Assay

Author(s): Angelika M. Burger

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:109; Page Range: 109-124

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (131K)

Stretch PCR Assay

Author(s): Jun-ichi Nakayama, Fuyuki Ishikawa

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:125; Page Range: 125-136

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (110K)

Fluorescent Detection of Telomerase Activity

Author(s): Wade K. Aldous, Amber J. Marean, Mary J. DeHart, Katherine H. Moore

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:137; Page Range: 137-146

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (99K)

Nonradioactive Detection of Telomerase Activity Using a PCR-ELISA-Based Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol

Author(s): Thomas Emrich, Gerlinde Karl

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:147; Page Range: 147-158

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (123K)

In Situ TRAP Assay Detection of Telomerase Activity in Cytological Preparations

Author(s): Kazuma Ohyashiki, Junko H. Ohyashiki

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:159; Page Range: 159-164

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (143K)

Biotinylated Primer for Detecting Telomerase Activity Without Amplification

Author(s): Daekyu Sun

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:165; Page Range: 165-171

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (81K)

Whole-Cell and Microcell Fusion for the Identification of Natural Regulators of Telomerase

Author(s): Henriette Gourdeau, Marsha D. Speevak, Lucie Jetté, Mario Chevrette

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:173; Page Range: 173-195

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (145K)

Screening with COMPARE Analysis forTelomerase Inhibitors

Author(s): Imad Naasani, Takao Yamori, Takashi Tsuruo

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:197; Page Range: 197-207

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (125K)

Telomerase as a Therapeutic Target: Therapeutic Potential of Telomerase Inhibitors

Author(s): John A. Double

Pub. Date: Mar-01-2002; DOI:10.1385/1-59259-189-2:209; Page Range: 209-216

Abstract | Full Text | PDF (71K)

Methods of Telomerase Inhibition
Additionally, methods are outlined in this chapter for determining the effectiveness oftelomerase inhibition through TRAP assays or assessment of telomere ...

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