Friday, January 15, 2010

Progresses in Stem Cell Research

Stem Cells

Stem Cells Might Reverse Heart Damage from Chemo (12/30/2009, HealthDay)

Stem Cell Research Gets a Boost from Vitamin C (12/24/2009, HealthDay)

Most Stem Cells Used in Research Come from Whites (12/17/2009, HealthDay)

Adult Stem Cells Can Repair Damaged Heart (12/04/2009, HealthDay)

First Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Approved for Use Under New NIH Guidelines (12/02/2009, National Institutes of Health)

U.S. Approves New Stem Cell Lines for Publicly Funded Research (12/02/2009, HealthDay)

New 'Skin' from Stem Cells (11/19/2009, HealthDay)

Lifelong Exercise Keeps Seniors Young at Heart (11/18/2009, HealthDay)

Stem Cells May Improve Heart Bypass Results (11/17/2009, HealthDay)

Stem Cells May Offer Alternative to Lung Transplants (11/06/2009, HealthDay)

Stem Cells Repair Acute Lung Injury in Mice (11/05/2009, HealthDay)

NIH-Funded Researchers Transform Embryonic Stem Cells Into Human Germ Cells (10/28/2009, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)

Stem Cell Transplants Stalled Blindness in Rats (10/19/2009, Reuters Health)

Transplant May Treat Metabolic Disorders in Womb (10/16/2009, HealthDay)

Stem Cells Grow Heart Tissue in Lab (10/15/2009, HealthDay)

Stem Cells Being Tested to Fight Pancreatic Cancer (10/14/2009, HealthDay)

Lab Study Makes Strides in Mending Hearts (10/12/2009, HealthDay)

New Way to Make Stem Cells? (10/08/2009, HealthDay)

Stem Cell Research Offers Hope for Colon Cancer Vaccine (10/08/2009, HealthDay)

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