Friday, January 15, 2010

Stem Cell Information: Educational Resources

Stem Book is an open access collection of invited, original, peer-reviewed chapters covering a range of topics related to stem cell biology written by top researchers in the field at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and worldwide. Stem Book is aimed at stem cell and non-specialist researchers.

ExploreStemCells A UK resource for the general public that discusses the use of stem cells in medical treatments and therapies.

How Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Are Made An online animation from the Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (Requires Flash player)

Human Embryonic Stem Cells An animated tutorial for the general public. (Requires Flash player)

The National Academies Publications on stem cells, including Understanding Stem Cells: An Overview of the Science and Issues from the National Academies (2006), Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (2005), Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine (2002), and Scientific and Medical Aspects of Human Reproductive Cloning (2002).

NIH-Supported Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Projects

Cellular Universe: The Promise of Stem Cells Educates visitors about advances in cell biology and stem cells so they can make more informed health-related decisions, explore new career options, and better understand the role of scientific research in healthcare.

If a Starfish Can Grow a New Arm, Why Can't I? This Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative (PTEI) educational program informs middle school students, their teachers, and the general public about tissue engineering and its applications.

Regenerative Medicine Partnership in Education Duquesne University's SEPA project offers planetarium shows, movies, and educational Web tools.

NWABR Stem Cell Resources Lessons, diagrams, vocabulary, and more from the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research.

A Stem Cell Story This 15-minute movie from EuroStemCell introduces the world of stem cell research and is available as a video podcast.

Stem cells: Cells with Potential Part of the San Francisco Exploratorium's Microscope Imaging Station.

Stem Cells: Engage A high school teaching resource on stem cell research developed in Canada.

Stem Cells in the Spotlight and Cloning In Focus The Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah presents these outreach education programs for high school and undergraduate students and teachers.

Stem Cell ResourcesSM A resource for the educational community on stem cells.

Tissue Engineering Planetarium Show Online movies about the body's ability to heal itself.

Tissues of Life: Stem Cells An interactive comic explaining where stem cells are found in the body and how they are gathered.

World Stem Cell Map A resource designed to reflect national policy and whether or not public funds may be used to pursue stem cell research using IVF embryos donated from fertility clinics.

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