Thursday, March 8, 2012

Recovering Virus Stocks from Frozen Cell Pellets

If your recombinant baculovirus stocks have been lost or have "gone off", virus can usually be recovered from frozen pellets of baculovirus-infected insect cells. Virus in these pellets is stable for many years, especially if stored at -70 C or less.


  1. Resuspend the frozen pellet in 10 volumes of insect cell growth medium supplemented with 5% FBS. Vortex briefly.
  2. Centrifuge at low speed to remove cell debris (1-2000 x g for 5 min.).
  3. Filter supernate with 0.45 micron sterile filter (not O.2 micron).
  4. Infect insect cells by adding a volume of filtered virus to the cell cultures that is equivalent to 5% of the total media volume. Normally this is done using stationary cultures at about 5E5 cells/ml in a vessel such as a T-125 flask (10-12 ml total per flask) with media containing 2-5% FBS (FBS enhances virus stability).
  5. Harvest virus stocks when all cells appear infected, or when they become confluent (3-5 days). Some toxicity, affecting 10-40% of the cells, usually occurs within 24 hours of infection. Re-passage the virus stock as necessary.

Purification of Monoclonal Antibody from Hybridoma Culture Supernatant

Step1: Hyridoma cell culture

  • Thaw freezing cell line 9E10 which express secreted monoclonal antibody(subtype IgG1) against Myc epitope in RPMI1640 medium containing 10% FBS and appropriate amount of ampicillin and streptomycin, incubate cell at 37degree with 5% CO2.
  • Once cell get into log phase growth, cell should be passaged by every one day, the cell density start at 2x 105/ml. Note: 9E10 and 12CA5 cell are half adhesive , once they are completely confluent, they will immediately start cell death.
  • Centrifuge cultured medium at 1000 rpm for 5 minitures, collect supernatant into sterile containers, if necessary add sodium azide up to 0.2%. for several month storage, keep supernatant at 4 degree, otherwise, freeze them at -20 degree.
  • Freeze log phase cells for stock, put at least 2 million cell in 1 ml RPMI1640 medium containing 20% FBS,15% DMSO, keep freezing vials at -70 for no more than one month, then transfer them to nitrogen tank.

Step2: Affinity purification of antibody

  • Affinity column choosing: protein G for mouse IgG1 and protein A for mouse IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3
  • set appropriate volume of protein G sepharose column according to the common rule: culture supernatant contain 20-50ug/ml antibody, 1ml of wet beads bind approximately 10-20mg antibody, wash column with 100mM Tris-HCL pH 8.0.
  • Adjust cell culture supernatant pH by adding 1/10 volume of 1.0M tris-HCL pH8.0, pass it through protein G column at speed of 2ml/min.
  • wash column with at least 10 column volume of 100mM Tris-HCL then wash with 10mM Tris-HCL.
  • Elute the column with 50 mM glycine(pH3.0), add this buffer stepwise at 1ml per time, collect elute fraction into 1.5 ml eppendorf tube containing 100ul 1M Tris-HCL for immediate neutralization of antibody solution
  • During collecting elute fraction, use bradford solution to monitor eluted protein
  • Running 5 ul of each fraction on 11% SDS-PAGE gel to check the purity of antibody
  • Combine the fractions containing antibody, determine the antibody concentration by measuring OD280nm(1 OD= 0.75 mg/ml)
  • Make series dilution of antibody such as 1:500, 1:1,000, 1:2,000, 1:3,000, 1:4,000, perform western blot to determine the optimal titre of the antibody, when doing titration, the antigen should be Myc (for 9E10) or HA (for 12CA5) tagged protein which was confirmed by other Western bolt.

Protocol for Zymogram


1% Gelatin in H2O (Fisher Blood 275)

1% Casein (Sigma)

SDS-PAGE gel stock w/o urea

Wash buffer: 2.5% Triton X-100 in H2O (+0.02% NaN3)

Incubation Buffer: 50mM Tris-HCl (PH8.0), 5mM CaCl2, 0.02% NaN3


Regular separating gel containing 10-12% substrate

Regular stacking gel


1- Collect media from cells

(if desired, inactivate non-metalloproteases with PMSF and/or NEM)

2- Centrifuge to remove cellular debris

(if necessary concentrate with centricon units or dialyze and lyophilize)

3- Add Laemmli loading buffer (OMIT UREA AND REDUCING AGENTS,


4- Load samples directly onto gel

5- Run gel

6- Wash 2X 20min in wash buffer

7- Wash 10min in incubation buffer

8- Place gel in sealable container with fresh incubation buffer and incubate

at 37ºC for 24h to 48h

9- Fix and stain with fresh Coomassie Blue solution

10-Destain with MeOH:AcOH:H2O(5:1:5)

11-Replace with 10% AcOH and continue destaining

12-Photpgraph and dry gel for storage

(Source: Lee, Sunyoung

Phosphorylation Assay

Materials required:



HAM F-12 media

Growth factor (VEGF)

Lysis Buffer mix (w/o PMSF and Aprotinin, keep at 4°C, add PMSF and

Aprotinin right before use):

1% Triton-X100

10mM Tris


150mM NaCl

30mM PPiNa

50mM NaFi

2.1mM Na3VO4

Lysis Buffer (Final): ìl


Aprotinin 6

Buffer 5964

Total 6000

Preincubation buffer: Serum-free media (30ml) + Na3VO4 (15ìl)

Wash buffer: 1x PBS (15ml) + Na3VO4 (15ìl)


1- plate cells in 12-well (or 240well) plate

2- cells in serum-free media for o/n

3- cells in preincubation media, 37°C, 5min

4- aspirate media

5- treat cells with growth factor, 37°C, 5min

6- aspirate growth factor

7- wash cells with cold wash buffer, 2x

8- add 200-300ìl lysis buffer to each well, rocking plate, 4°C, 15min

9- collect cells in eppendorf tubes, rocking, 4°C, 15min

10- spin, 14,000rpm, 4°C, 1h

11- collect supernatant, store at -80°C or go ahead with next step

12- for phophotyrosine western analysis, use 15-60ìl of lysate

13- 10 or 12 % SDS-PAGE gel

14- Blocking, 3% BSA/TBST, RT, 1h

15- 1° Ab, anti-pTyr Ab (4G10, Upstate) in blocking buffer, 4C, ON

16- wash with TBST

17- 2°Ab, RT, 1h

18- wash with TBST, at least 2h, change buffer as often as possible

19- rinse blot with dH2O, 5x

20-ECL, 2min, RT


mRIPA Lysis Buffer (this also works well, recipe from Tom


Stock 50 mls

50 mM Tris pH 7.4 1M 1:20 2.5 ml

1% NP-40 10% 1:10 5 ml

0.25% Na deoxycolate 2.5% 1:10 5 ml

1 mM EDTA 0.5 M 1:500 0.1 ml (100 ul)

0.15 M NaCl 5 M 1:33 1.5 ml

1 mM Na vanadate 100 mM 1:100 0.5 ml (500 ul)

10 mM ß-glycerophosphate 1 M 1:100 0.5 ml (500 ul)

1 mM NaF (optional)

H2O 34.9 ml


50 ml

add fresh (5-10 min. prior is okay, PMSF has short half-life in aqueous


1 mM PMSF 100 mM 1:100

20 ug/ml leupeptin 10 mg/ml 1:500

20 ug/ml aprotinin 2 mg/ml 1:100

(AuthorLee, Sunyoung)

Making mutants

Making mutants in Dickeya and Pectobacterium species

Objective: To disrupt a gene in a soft rot bacterial genome.

Insertion mutation: an antibiotic resistance gene cassette is inserted into a convinient restriction site in the gene. One major pitfalls with this type of mutant is that the remaining N-terminal portion of the protein is sometimes functional and can even have dominant negative effects.

Deletion-insertion mutation: the entire coding region of the gene is replaced with an antibiotic resistance gene cassette.

When possible, it is best to make two independent mutants concurrently since on occasion random secondary mutations with interferring phenotypes can occur.

Step 1. Clone the gene or flanking regions into a plasmid

Insertion mutation: PCR-amplify the gene fragment and clone it into pGEM-T Easy or another convinient plasmid vector. Insert an antibiotic resistance gene cassette into an internal restriction site using standard cloning methods.

Deletion-insertion mutation: PCR-amplify the regions bordering the gene of interest. Design your cloning strategy to allow for insertion of an antibiotic resistance gene cassette. For example, cross-over PCR may be used to amplify the gene borders and add a convinient restriction site. Alternatively, the two borders may be cloned with convinient restriction sites and assembled in pGEM-T Easy or another plasmid vector.

When it works, cross-over PCR is fastest.

When all else fails:

PCR-amplify the left border with primers that have XbaI (forward primer) and BamHI (reverse primer) sites added. Amplify the right border with a forward primer that has an XbaI site and SmaI site. Amplify the resistance gene cassette with primers that have BamHI and SmaI-BamHI sites added.

Clone all three fragments into pGEM-T Easy. Then insert the the resistance gene fragment into the BamHI sites of the left border clone. Finally, insert the left border-resistance gene construct into the XbaI-HindIII site of the right border clone.

Primer Site

Amplified Fragment

Primer Site


Left Border



Kanamycin Resistance Gene

HindIII - BamHI

XbaI - HindIII

Right Border


Final Construct:


Left Border


Kan Resistance


Right Border

Step 2. Electroporate the plasmid into Pectobacterium or Dickeya

1. Streak the bacterial culture on to LB agar and grow it overnight at 36C.

2. Transfer a few loopfuls of bacteria to liquid LB medium and grow at 36C for four to five hours. (Alternatively, start a overnight culture, then make a 1:100 dilution and grow the culture for four to five hours at 36C)

3. Harvest cells from 1.5 ml of culture by centrifugation for 1 min in an epi-tube at high speed.

4. Wash the cells three to five times with cold filter-sterilized 10% glycerol. After the final wash, suspend the cells in 400 ul of 10% glycerol and add plasmid DNA. Transfer the suspension to a chilled cuvette.

5. Electroporate at 2.5 kV, 25 uf, 400 ohms, in a 2 mM cuvette.

6. Immediately add 800 ul of SOC medium. Transfer the mix to a sterile plastic 4 ml tube. Let the cells incubate on the bench top without shaking for at least one hour. Plate cells on LB plus appropriate antibiotics.

We have found that additional washes or adjusting the DNA concentration (less is usually better) affects transformation efficiency, while adjusting the electroporation values (kV, ohms, etc.) does not increase efficiency.

The cuvettes may be rinsed several times with water, then 70% ethanol, autoclaved, and reused several times. The covers can not be autoclaved, but are not required for successful electroporation.

Step 3. Allelic-Exchange.

The goal of this step is to screen for strains where a double cross-over has resulted in an exchange of the mutated gene from the plasmid onto the chromosome.

1. Choose two independent transformants and start liquid cultures in LB plus antibiotic (for example, if you have inserted a kan resistance gene cassette, use kanamycin. For the rest of this protocol, kanamycin is used as an example). Grow the cultures overnight in LB at 36C.

2. Wash cells with 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) two times to remove the LB medium.

3. Inclubate the cells overnight at 36C in 100 mM phosphate buffer plus kanamycin.

2. Sub-culture the cells into LB strains daily by transferring 10 ul of the old culture to 3 ml of fresh LB plus kanamycin medium.

3. After two or three subcultures (two or three days), dilution plate the cultures onto LB plus kanamycin. Pick colonies to a grid on LB plus kanamycin and LB plus ampicillin. Colonies that only grow on the kan plates have lost pGEM-T Easy and have the kan gene presumably inserted into the genome. Generally, only 100 to 200 colonies need to be screened. If no mutants are found, go back to step 2 and incubate again in phosphate buffer.

4. Confirm mutations by PCR and/or DNA hybridizations.

Enzyme Free Cloning


- order primers for each gene of interest (...) with the following termini:

short forward 5’ TG...


short reverse 5’ TCA...


- Perform PCR A with LIC forward and short reverse primer

- Perform PCR B with LIC reverse and short forward primer

- If you use plasmid DNA as template for the PCR, remove the input plasmid DNA by treatment with the methylation specific restriction enzyme DpnI (37 C, 30 min) or use a maximum of a nanogram of plasmid DNA template. This step is not required when amplifying cDNA.

- After the PCR, purify the PCR products according to the guidelines by the manufacturer of your PCR cleanup kit/beads. In our hands, Agencourt Ampure magnetic beads work fine.

- After the purification, mix 5 ul of PCR A and 5 ul of PCR B in a PCR plate/tube, incubate for 5’ at 95C in the PCR machine and let the products cool down to room temperature in the machine without a fast cooling gradient (takes appr. 15 minutes).

- Add 1.0 ul of the vector stock to appr. 2ul of to the mix of PCR(A+B) and incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature. If your PCR is hardly visible on gel, add 5 times more PCR product. 1.0 ul vector should contain approximately 1-3 ng of T4 treated vector when using chemically competent E. coli cells with a competence of >5E+05 col/ug.

- Add 20-25 ul of competent E. coli (more cells if >5ul hybridization mix is used) and perform standard transformation.

Notes: ALWAYS take along a negative control of vector without adding any insert! Preferably, take along as a positive control a PCR product that worked previously. Typically, 1-2 ng of vector gives approximately 100 colonies using E. coli with a competence of 1E+06 col/ug.

Modifications: you can eliminate the need for two primer sets for each gene by using LIC adaptor primers that recognize the termini of all your PCRs. They can, however, generate primer-dimer artifacts, so the above method seems superior. Rob cools down to room temperature in 5 minutes with comparable results and uses 15 ul of cells with 3 ul of hybridization mix. It is advisory to keep the volume of hybridization mix < 25% of the competent cell volume to prevent comprimizing the chemical competence. Alternatively, you could add CaCl2 to compensate for your extra volume.


Liu, Z. (1996) Hetero-stagger cloning: efficient and rapid cloning of PCR products. Nucleic Acids Res, 24, 2458-2459.

Shih, Y.P., Kung, W.M., Chen, J.C., Yeh, C.H., Wang, A.H. and Wang, T.F. (2002) High-throughput screening of soluble recombinant proteins. Protein Sci, 11, 1714-1719.

Tillett, D. and Neilan, B.A. (1999) Enzyme-free cloning: a rapid method to clone PCR products independent of vector restriction enzyme sites. Nucleic Acids Res, 27, e26.

Zeng, G. (1998) Sticky-end PCR: new method for subcloning. Biotechniques, 25, 206-208.

R.N. de Jong, M.A. Danils, R. Kaptein and G.E. Folkers (2007) Enzyme Free Cloning for high throughput gene cloning and expression. J. Struct. Funct. Genomics, in press.

Ligase Independent Cloning (LIC)

Ligase independent cloning (LIC) is a simple, fast and relatively cheap method to produce expression constructs. It makes use of the 3'--> 5'-activity of T4 DNA polymerase to create very specific 10-15 base single overhangs in the expression vector. PCR products with complementary overhangs are created by building appropriate extensions into the primers and treating them with T4 DNA polymerase as well. The annealing of the insert and the vector is performed in the absence of ligase by simple mixing of the DNA fragments. This process is very efficient because only the desired products can form.

1. Preparation of vector DNA

The EMBL-made LIC vectors (see appendix for vectors maps) all contain the gene encoding for eGFP flanked by two BsaI sites (shown in red). These sites are used to linearize the vector, while at the same time removing the eGFP gene.


| BsaI


Next the digested vector is treated with T4 DNA polymerase in the presence of dTTP. Because of the 3'--> 5' activity of the polymerase the bases are removed from both 3'-ends until the first thymidine (T) residue is reached.


| T4 DNA polymerase + dTTP


This 2-step protocol leads to two specific overhangs in the LIC vector of 10 and 12 bases, respectively, which are allow the specific, ligase-independent annealing reaction (protocol 3).

1.1 Linearization of the LIC vector by BsaI digestion

Materials Chemicals

1.5-ml microfuge tubes agarose (electrophoresis grade)
6X Loading dye solution
MinElute Gel Extraction Kit ethidium bromide (10 mg/ml)
TBE buffer



10X New England Biolabs buffer 3 (supplied with the enzyme)

Mix in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube:

5 µl 10X New England Biolabs buffer 3
5 µg LIC vector DNA
2.5 µl BsaI (10 units/µl)
Add sterile water to a volume of 50 µl

1. Add the restriction enzyme last
2. Mix by briefly vortexing the solution and spin 1 min at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.
3. Incubate the digestion mix for 1 hours at 50°C.
4. In the meantime, prepare a 0.8% agarose gel.
Dissolve 0.4 g agarose in 50 ml TBE buffer by heating. After the solution has cooled down add 1-2 µl ethidium bromide solution and pour it into a prepared gel running chamber. After the gel has solidified fill the chamber with TBE buffer.
5. Add 10 µl 6X loading dye solution to the sample. Mix well and spin 1 min at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.
6. Load the sample on the agarose gel.
7. Run the gel for 1 hours at 100 V.
8. Analyze the gel on a UV lamp and cut out the band of the linearized LIC vector.
Expose the gel as briefly as possible to the UV lamp to avoid damage to the DNA.
9. Purify the vector DNA form the gel pieces using the MinElute Gel Extraction Kit.
10. Elute the digested vector DNA in 50 µl elution buffer in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube.

The BsaI digestion does not necessarily work 100%. It is important to cut out the band of the linearized LIC vector carefully to minimize the amount of undigested vector in the final preparation, as this will give false positive results later on.

The concentration of vector DNA can be determined using the absorbance at 280 nm (assuming A280 = 1 is 50 ng/µl).
1.2 T4 DNA polymerase treatment of the linearized LIC vector

In the annealing protocol 25-50 ng prepared LIC vector is used per reaction (see protocol 3). In the following protocol 600 ng BsaI-digested LIC vector is treated with T4 DNA polymerase to produce enough vector for approx. 20 annealing reactions. This can be scaled up or down according to your own need.

Materials Chemicals

1.5-ml microfuge tubes dTTP (100 mM)
DTT (100 mM)
100X BSA


T4 DNA polymerase

10X New England Biolabs buffer 3 (supplied with the enzyme)

Mix in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube:

2 µl 10X New England Biolabs buffer 3
600 ng BsaI-digested LIC vector
0.5 µl dTTP (100 mM)
1 µl DTT (100 mM)
0.2 µl 100X BSA
0.4 µl T4 DNA polymerase (3 units/µl)
Add sterile water to a volume of 20 µl

1. Add the polymerase last
2. Mix by briefly vortexing the solution and spin 1 min at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.
3. Incubate the reaction mixture for 30 min at 22°C (or room temperature).
4. Incubate for 20 min at 75°C to inactivate the polymerase.
5. Spin 1 min at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.

The LIC prepared vector solution obtained in this way can be used directly in the annealing reaction (protocol 3). For longer term storage of the prepared vector it would be better to purify it further using for instance the MinElute PCR Purification Kit or Nucleotide Removal Kit (Qiagen). Take care that the final vector concentration is 10-20 ng/µl. The prepared vector can be stored at -20°C or lower.
2. Preparation of the insert

To create an insert with complementary overhangs to the EMBL-made LIC vectors the following primers have to be used:

Forward primer CAGGGCGCCATG-gene of interest
Reverse primer GACCCGACGCGGTTA-gene of interest (rev. comp.)

The forward primer should contain the complementary overhang (shown in red), the ATG start codon (underlined), and a long enough overlap with the gene of interest to give a melting temperature of 60°C or more.

The reverse primer should contain the complementary overhang (shown in red), one or more stop codons (e.g. TAA as shown here underlined) if no C-terminal tag is used, and a long enough overlap with the reverse complement strand of the gene of interest to give a melting temperature of 60°C or more.

2.1 PCR amplification of the insert

Materials Chemicals

200-µl PCR tubes agarose (electrophoresis grade)
1.5-ml microfuge tube dNTPs (10 mM each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP)
ethidium bromide solution (10 mg/ml)
MinElute Gel Extraction Kit TBE buffer


Pfu DNA polymerase (2.5 U/µl)

10X Pfu polymerase buffer (supplied with the enzyme)

Mix in a 200-µl PCR tube:

5 µl 10X Pfu polymerase buffer
0.5 µl forward primer (100 pmol/µl)
0.5 µl reverse primer (100 pmol/µl)
* dNTPs (10 mM each)
0.5 µl DNA template
1 µl Pfu DNA polymerase (2.5 units/µl)
Add sterile water to a volume of 50 µl

* 20 ng for plasmid DNA
100 ng for genomic DNA

1. Add the polymerase last.
2. Mix by briefly vortexing the solution.
3. Perform the PCR as described below.

PCR protocol

Step Time Temperature Cycles
Denaturation 2 min 95°C 1
Denaturation 30 sec 95°C
Annealing 30 sec 56°C 30
Extension * 72°C
Extension 10 min 72°C 1
Hold 4°C 1

* use 1 min per kb for Pfu DNA polymerase

After the PCR it is important to remove the dNTPs completely from the reaction mixture. If the PCR template and the LIC vector have the same antibiotic resistance marker, the PCR product must be separated from the template. Both can be achieved by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis.

4. During the PCR prepare a 0.8% agarose gel.
Dissolve 0.4 g agarose in 50 ml TBE buffer by heating. After the solution has cooled down add 1-2 µl ethidium bromide solution and pour it into a prepared gel running chamber. After the gel has solidified fill the chamber with TBE buffer.
5. Add 10 µl 6X loading dye solution to the PCR product.
6. Load the sample on the agarose gel.
7. Run the gel for 1 hours at 100 V.
8. Analyze the gel on a UV lamp and cut out the band of the PCR product.
9. Purify the DNA form the gel pieces using the MinElute Gel Extraction Kit.
10. Elute the DNA in 30 µl elution buffer in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube.

2.2 T4 DNA treatment of the PCR product

In the next step, the PCR product is incubated with T4 DNA polymerase in the presence of dATP. Because of the 3'--> 5' activity of the polymerase the bases are removed from both 3'-ends until the first adenosine (A) residue is reached.


| T4 DNA polymerase + dATP


For the annealing (protocol 3) 0.02 pmol of LIC prepared insert DNA is used. Below the T4 DNA polymerase treatment of the PCR product is set up with 0.2 pmol to produce enough material for 10 annealing reactions. This can be scaled up or down according to your own need.

The DNA concentration can be determined using the absorbance at 280 nm (assuming A280 = 1 is 50 ng/µl). To calculate the DNA concentration in pmol/µl apply:

number of base pairs x 0.65 = ng/pmol

For instance, for an insert of 1000 base pairs 0.2 pmol is equivalent to 130 ng.

Materials Chemicals

1.5-ml microfuge tubes dATP stock solution (100 mM)
DTT (100 mM)
100X BSA


T4 DNA polymerase

10X New England Biolabs buffer 3 (supplied with the polymerase)

Mix in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube:

2 µl 10X New England Biolabs buffer 3
0.2 pmol PCR product
0.5 µl dATP (100 mM)
1 µl DTT (100 mM)
0.2 µl 100X BSA
0.4 µl T4 DNA polymerase (?? units/µl)
Add sterile water to a volume of 20 µl

1. Add the polymerase last
2. Mix by briefly vortexing the solution and spin 1 min at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.
3. Incubate the reaction mixture for 30 min at 22°C (or room temperature).
4. Incubate for 20 min at 75°C to inactivate the polymerase.
5. Spin 1 min at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.

3. Annealing of the insert and the LIC vector

The complementary overhangs that are created in the vector (protocol 1) and insert (protocol 2) are long enough for the very specific, enzyme -free annealing of the two DNA.






The annealing reaction is set up as follows:

• 0.02 pmol of insert DNA.

• 25 - 50 ng* of LIC prepared vector DNA.

• The control ligation is carried out with sterile water instead of the insert.

* The amount of LIC prepared vector DNA needed depends on the size of the vector and the molar ration of vector to insert (normally 1:2 or 1:3 is used).
Example: LIC prepared pETM-11/LIC has a size of 5318 bp. With a 1:2 molar ratio you need 0.01 pmol vector in the annealing reaction. This is equivalent to 35 ng.

Materials Chemicals

1.5-ml microfuge tubes EDTA (25 mM)

Mix in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube:

1 µl LIC prepared vector DNA
2 µl T4 polymerase treated insert DNA

1. Incubate the annealing mixture for 5 min at 22°C (or room temperature).
2. Add 1 µl EDTA (25 mM).
3. Mix gently by stirring the solution with the tip.
4. Incubate for a further 5 min at 22°C (or room temperature).

The annealing is complete within 5 min of incubation but reactions can be incubated up to 1 h with equivalent results.
4. Transformation of the annealing product into E. coli DH5 competent cells


1.5-ml microfuge tubes
chemically competent E. coli DH5 cells
SOC medium
LB-agar plates containing 50 µg/ml kanamycin

1. Thaw the appropriate amount of competent DH5 cells on ice.
2. Transfer 1 µl of the annealing mixture to a 1.5-ml microfuge tube and incubate on ice for at least 5 min.
3. Add 50 µl aliquots of competent cells.
4. Incubate the tubes for 30 min on ice.
5. Heat shock the cells for 45 sec at 42°C.
6. Place the tubes immediately on ice and incubate for at least 2 min.
7. Add 200 µl SOC medium to each tube and incubate for 1 hour at 37°C in a shaker/incubator.
8. Spin for 1 min at 5,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.
9. Remove 150 µl of supernatant and resuspend the cells in the remaining medium.
10. Plate out the cell suspension on a LB agar plate containing 50 µg/ml kanamycin.
11. Incubate the plates overnight at 37°C.

5. Identification of positive constructs

Materials Chemicals

1.5-ml microfuge tubes agarose (electrophoresis grade)
15-ml Falcon tubes 6X loading dye solution
LB medium dNTPs (10 mM each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP)
Qiaprep Spin Miniprep Kit kanamycin (30 mg/ml)


restriction enzymes (here SmaI and XbaI)
Pfu DNA polymerase

10X restriction enzyme buffer (supplied with the enzymes)

10X Pfu DNA polymerase buffer (supplied with the enzyme)
5.1 Preparation of plasmid mini-preps

1. Pick 3 colonies from the positive plate and inoculate 3 x 4 ml LB medium containing 30 µg/ml kanamycin in 15-ml Falcon tubes.
The number of colonies picked depends on the ratio between the number of colonies on the positive and on the control plate (background). Usually the background is quite low and 3 colonies are sufficient but in some cases more colonies should be picked.
2. Incubate overnight at 37°C in a shaker/incubator.
3. Spin for 10 min at 4,000 rpm (table top centrifuge) and discard the supernatant.
4. Resuspend the pellets in the appropriate buffer to prepare plasmid mini-preps using the Qiaprep Spin Miniprep Kit (Qiagen).

To determine if the right size insert is present in the plasmid minipreps they can be analyzed using one or both of the following protocols: digestion analysis (protocol 5.2) and/or PCR analysis (protocol 5.3).

5.2 Digestion analysis of the plasmid minipreps

Since the LIC vector do not contain a multiple cloning site, you have to select 2 unique restriction sites in the vector backbone. For instance, with pETM-11/LIC the XbaI and SmaI sites could be used (see vector map in Appendix) but also other restriction sites are available.

Mix in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube:

2 µl 10X New England Biolabs buffer 4
0.2 µl 100X BSA
5 µl plasmid miniprep
1 µl XbaI (20 units/µl)
1 µl SmaI (20 units/µl)
Add sterile water to a volume of 20 µl

1. Add the restriction enzymes last
2. Mix by briefly vortexing the solution and spin 1 min at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge centrifuge.
3. Incubate the digestion mixture for 1-2 hours at 37°C.
4. In the meantime, prepare a 0.8% agarose gel.
Dissolve 0.4 g agarose in 50 ml TBE buffer by heating. After the solution has cooled down add 1-2 µl ethidium bromide solution and pour it into a prepared gel running chamber. After the gel has solidified fill the chamber with TBE buffer.
5. Add 4 µl 6X loading buffer to the samples.
6. Load the samples on the agarose gel.
7. Run the gel for 1 hours at 100 V.
8. Analyze the gel on a UV lamp.

5.3 PCR analysis of the plasmid minipreps

To determine if the right size insert is present in the plasmids mini-preps PCRs are performed using the forward and reverse primers for the gene of interest.

Mix in a 200-µl PCR tube:

5 µl 10X Pfu polymerase buffer
0.5 µl forward primer (100 pmol/µl)
0.5 µl reverse primer (100 pmol/µl)
1 µl dNTPs (10 mM each)
0.5 µl plasmid miniprep DNA
1 µl Pfu polymerase (2.5 units/µl)
Add sterile water to a volume of 50 µl

1. Add the polymerase last
2. Mix by briefly vortexing the solution.
3. Perform the PCR as described in "PCR experiments".
4. In the meantime, prepare a 0.8% agarose gel.
Dissolve 0.4 g agarose in 50 ml TBE buffer by heating. After the solution has cooled down add 1-2 µl ethidium bromide solution and pour it into a prepared gel running chamber. After the gel has solidified fill the chamber with TBE buffer.
5. Add 10 µl 6X loading buffer to the samples.
6. Load the 10-20 µl of the samples on the agarose gel.
7. Run the gel for 1 hours at 100 V.
8. Analyze the gel on a UV lamp.

Appendix 1


200-µl PCR tubes
1.5-ml microfuge tubes
15-ml Falcon tubes
SOC medium Invitrogen (15544-034)
chemically competent E. coli DH5 cells
MinElute PCR Purification Kit Qiagen (28006)
MinElute Gel Extraction Kit Qiagen (28606)
Qiaprep Spin Miniprep Kit Qiagen (27106)


agarose (electrophoresis grade) Invitrogen (15510-027)
dATP (100 mM) Roth (K035.1)
dNTPs (10 mM of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP)
dTTP (100 mM) Roth (K036.1)
DTT Roth (6908.2)
ethidium bromide (10 mg/ml)
kanamycin sulfate Roth (T832.3)
6X loading dye solution Fermentas (R0611)
10X TBE buffer Roth (3061.2)
100X BSA New England Biolabs (B9001S)


BsaI New England Biolabs (R0535S)
Pfu DNA polymerase Fermentas (EP0502)
T4 DNA polymerase New England Biolabs (M0203S)
restriction enzymes New England Biolabs

Appendix 2

Available LIC vectors

Vector Promoter Selection Tag Protease cleavage site Origin
pETM-11/LIC T7/lac Kan N-His TEV pBR322
pETGB-1a/LIC T7/lac Kan N-His
N-GB1 TEV pBR322
pETZ2-1a/LIC T7/lac Kan N-His
N-Z-tag2 TEV pBR322
pETTrx-1a/LIC T7/lac Kan N-His
N-TrxA TEV pBR322
pETNus-1a/LIC T7/lac Kan N-His
N-NusA TEV pBR322

LAL Endotoxin Assay

Preparing Standards

1. Prepare 1 EU/ml standard

• Place 0.1 ml of endotoxin stock solution into a 1.7 ml microfuge tube.

• Add LAL Reagent water.

Calculate water addition as follows:

ml water = (X-1) / 10

x is equal to the concentration of endotoxin in the stock solution.

• Vortex vigorously for 1 min

2. 0.5 EU/ ml standard

• Combine 0.5 ml 1 EU/ml standard and 0.5 ml LAL Reagent water into a 1.7 ml microfuge tube.

• Vortex vigorously for 1 min.

3. 0.25 EU/ ml standard

• Combine 0.25 ml 1 EU/ml standard and 0.75 ml LAL Reagent water into a 1.7 ml microfuge


• Vortex vigorously for 1 min.

4. 0.1 EU/ ml standard

• Combine 0.1 ml 1 EU/ml standard and 0.9 ml LAL Reagent water into a 1.7 ml microfuge tube.

• Vortex vigorously for 1 min.

Endotoxin Reaction Protocol

1. Add 50 μl of endotoxin standard or unknown sample to a 1.7 ml microfuge tube.

2. Incubate at 37 °C until temperature equilibrates.

3. At T=0 min, add 50 μl of LAL to the reaction mixture.

4. Vortex vigorously and return to temperature bath.

5. Continue additions to tubes at regular intervals (20 second intervals are needed for this


6. At T=10 minutes add 100 μl of substrate solution.

NOTE: The substrate solution should be prewarmed to 37°C

7. Vortex vigorously and return to temperature bath.

8. Continue addition to other tubes at the same time intervals used in Step 5.

9. At T=16 minutes add 100 μl of stop reagent to tube at the same time intervals as steps 5 and 8.

10. Vortex vigorously.

11. Read Absorbance of each reaction tube at 405-410 nm.

2 Feb 07

LAL Endotoxin Assay

Sample Preparation

1. All samples should be run in duplicate.

2. 50 μl of each sample should be added to the appropriate reaction tubes.

3. Samples needed:

• Blank = 50 μl LAL Reagent water

• 1 EU/ml standard

• 0.5 EU/ml standard

• 0.25 EU/ml standard

• 0.1 EU/ml standard

• DNA prepared with ER buffer

i. Undiluted

ii. 1:10 dilution

iii. 1:100 dilution

• DNA Prepared without ER buffer

i. Undiluted

ii. 1:10 dilution

iii. 1:100 dilution

iv. 1:1000 dilution

• Column Elution from with ER buffer

i. Undiluted

ii. 1:10 dilution

iii. 1:100 dilution

• Column Elution from without ER buffer

i. Undiluted

ii. 1:10 dilution

iii. 1:100 dilution

iv. 1:1000 dilution

Experimental Notes

1. Experiment will need to be run in two flights.

2. Each flight should include a 1 tube of each for a standard curve and 1 tube of each unknown.

3. Samples are run on a continuous timer.

4. Start running samples at T=0 minutes and make additions appropriately.

• T=0 begin adding LAL to tubes at 20 second intervals until you have completed the first

19 tubes.

• At T=10 minutes begin adding substrate to tubes at 20 second intervals.

• At T =16 minutes begin adding stop buffer to tubes at 20 second intervals.

MSUM Biochemistry