Materials required:
HAM F-12 media
Growth factor (VEGF)
Lysis Buffer mix (w/o PMSF and Aprotinin, keep at 4°C, add PMSF and
Aprotinin right before use):
1% Triton-X100
10mM Tris
150mM NaCl
30mM PPiNa
50mM NaFi
2.1mM Na3VO4
Lysis Buffer (Final): ìl
Aprotinin 6
Buffer 5964
Total 6000
Preincubation buffer: Serum-free media (30ml) + Na3VO4 (15ìl)
1- plate cells in 12-well (or 240well) plate
2- cells in serum-free media for o/n
3- cells in preincubation media, 37°C, 5min
4- aspirate media
5- treat cells with growth factor, 37°C, 5min
6- aspirate growth factor
7- wash cells with cold wash buffer, 2x
8- add 200-300ìl lysis buffer to each well, rocking plate, 4°C, 15min
9- collect cells in eppendorf tubes, rocking, 4°C, 15min
10- spin, 14,000rpm, 4°C, 1h
11- collect supernatant, store at -80°C or go ahead with next step
12- for phophotyrosine western analysis, use 15-60ìl of lysate
13- 10 or 12 % SDS-PAGE gel
14- Blocking, 3% BSA/TBST, RT, 1h
15- 1° Ab, anti-pTyr Ab (4G10, Upstate) in blocking buffer, 4C, ON
16- wash with TBST
17- 2°Ab, RT, 1h
18- wash with TBST, at least 2h, change buffer as often as possible
19- rinse blot with dH2O, 5x
20-ECL, 2min, RT
mRIPA Lysis Buffer (this also works well, recipe from Tom
Stock 50 mls
50 mM Tris pH 7.4 1M 1:20 2.5 ml
1% NP-40 10% 1:10 5 ml
0.25% Na deoxycolate 2.5% 1:10 5 ml
1 mM EDTA 0.5 M 1:500 0.1 ml (100 ul)
0.15 M NaCl 5 M 1:33 1.5 ml
1 mM Na vanadate 100 mM 1:100 0.5 ml (500 ul)
10 mM ß-glycerophosphate 1 M 1:100 0.5 ml (500 ul)
1 mM NaF (optional)
H2O 34.9 ml
50 ml
add fresh (5-10 min. prior is okay, PMSF has short half-life in aqueous
1 mM PMSF 100 mM 1:100
20 ug/ml leupeptin 10 mg/ml 1:500
20 ug/ml aprotinin 2 mg/ml 1:100
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