Thursday, June 30, 2011

shRNA Methods

shRNA Protocol
Silencing Plasmids into mammalian cells. Amounts listed above are based on use of 6-well plates. shRNA Transfection Protocol. Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.

Access : Efficient transfection of DNA or shRNA vectors into ...

29 Nov 2007 ... We provide a protocol for transfection of cDNA and RNA interference (short hairpin RNA (shRNA)) vectors, using magnetofection, into rat ...

QIAGEN - Attractene Transfection Reagent - For efficient DNA ...

Transfection of shRNA (short-hairpin RNA) vectors for gene silencing ... and plate format to receive a QIAGEN transfection protocol to print out or download ...

shrna transfection Protocol recipe

Results 1 - 8 of 12 for shrna transfection Protocol recipe. (0.03 seconds) ... This protocol is focused on the use of shRNAs in the widely . ...

RNAi Transfection Protocols

Invitrogen has the most complete collection of transfection reagents with exceptional ...Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Human bone marrow, Protocol ...

Ambion TechNotes 12(1): Optimizing siRNA Transfection for RNAi

Once a protocol is optimized for a particular cell type, reproducible siRNA screening experiments can easily be done. Efficient Transfection is Critical ...

Infection of gene specific shRnA into cells via retrovirus ...
Transfect the shRNA plasmids** into the packaging cells by fol- ... tRAnsfectIon. Transfect the cells using the protocol above for transient transfection. ...

Chemical recipe in shrna transfection Protocol

Results 1 - 8 of 15 for Chemical recipe in shrna transfection Protocol. (0.04 seconds) ... This protocol is focused on the use of shRNAs in the widely . ...

siRNA Transfection - Protocols, techniques, methods

... pre-optimized transfection reagents and siRNA services, shRNA-expressing DNAtransfection, microRNA, In Vivo siRNA transfection systems, high-throughput ...

shRNA Protocols

27 Nov 2008 ... Lentiviral Transduction Protocol.doc (Sigma). Nature Protocols: Efficienttransfection of DNA or shRNA vectors. ...

shRNA transfection

15 Jul 2009 ... Maximize shRNA delivery with Arrest-In transfection reagent. Arrest-In™transfection reagent from Open Biosystems is a polymeric ...

shRNA GFP protocol
OZ Biosciences / Protocol shRNA GFP vs. 1.0 / / ... (such asshRNA Luciferase) and efficient transfection reagents such as Lullaby or ...

Efficient transfection of DNA or shRNA vectors into neurons using ...

14 Dec 2010 ... We provide a protocol for transfection of cDNA and RNA interference (shRNA) vectors, using magnetofection, into rat hippocampal neurons ...

shRNA & miRNA Plasmid Transfection

Efficient gene silencing can be obtained with small hairpin RNA (shRNA) or ... jetPRIME™ convenient protocol for DNA, siRNA and co-transfection of DNA and ...

Design and Cloning of an shRNA into a Lentiviral Silencing Vector ...

1 Aug 2008 ... Certain brands of FBS do not support efficient transfection and can result in ....Related Protocol. Design and Cloning of an shRNA into a ...

Methods to determine the size of an object in microns


Th number of pixels the image of a cell takes on the CCD camera depends on:

1. the magnification used, and on

2. the physical size of the pixels on the CCD camera (in our case, it is 6.45um)

In order to relate the size of a cell in pixels to its size in um, use the following formula:

Cell size (per pixel) = Physical length of a pixel on the CCD / total magnification

The physical length of a pixel on our CCD is 6.45um. So for the following magnification, this formula gives us:

l 100x : 0.0645 um/pixel or 15.50 pixels/um

l 90x : 0.0717 um/pixel or 13.95 pixels/um

l 60x : 0.1075 um/pixel or 9.30 pixels/um

l 40x : 0.1613 um/pixel or 6.21 pixels/um

l 20x : 0.3225 um/pixel or 3.10 pixels/um

l 10x : 0.645 um/pixel or 1.55 pixel/um

Important notes:

l We assumed here that the magnifier is at position 1x (not 1.5x). If it is at 1.5x, total magnification must be multiplied by 1.5.

l We assumed here that the bin size is 1x1. If it is, say, 2x2, the size of a pixel will be double.

l 90x corresponds to 60x objective with 1.5x intermediate magnification

Calibration slide

Use a calibration slide which has a grid with known line-to-line spacing (9.9um). Align the slide so that the grid lines are parallel/perpendicular to the x and y axes. I borrowed such a slide from Peter Sorger's lab.

l 60x DIC Plan Apo

1. 13 squares gave 1204.26 pixels in length. 1204.26 pixels/(13 square * 9.9um/squares) = 9.35 pixels/um

2. 14 squares gave 1297.30 pixels in length. 1297.30 pixels/(14 squares * 9.9um/squares) = 9.36 pixels/um

l 60x DIC Plan Apo with 1.5x intermediate magnification:

1. Horizontal : 3 measurements of 8 squares gave 1106.2, 1105.2 and 1106.2 pixels in length. --> 13.96' pixels/um (Std error = 0.00)

2. Vertical: 3 measurements of 7 squares gave 968.2, 968.2, 968.2 pixels in length --> 13.97 pixels/um (Std error = 0.00)

3. 60x Ph Plan Apo with 1.5x intermediate magnification gave virtually the same results.

xy-motorized stage

Put a sample on a slide or pad (cells, sphere) or find a grain of dust on the slide or pad. Record the position of the sample. Use IPLab to tell the stage to move a certain distance in um. Determine the distance (in pixels) between the sample's former position and its new position.

l 60x

*Based on three samples I got 9.22 +/- 0.13 pixels/um (error represents the standard deviation)

To test the calculated um/pixel for a given objective, one could do the following: Get the calibration slide. Take a picture. Knowing how wide (in pixels) our CCD camera is, determine the width (in um) of the CCD image. Move the stage by that distance. Take another picture. Put the two pictures next to one-another. Do the grids line-up?

(source: openwetware)

Histological Fixatives and Sample Fixation

Acetic alcohol - fixation time 1 minute.

(For smears, cytospin preparations or frozen sections).

95% methanol - 100ml

Glacial acetic acid - 3ml.

The sections should be washed in water before staining.

Bouin's fluid - fixation time 6 hours.

Saturated aqueous solution of picric acid - 75ml

Formalin ( - 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde) - 25ml

Glacial acetic acid - 5ml

Fixed tissue should be transferred to 70% alcohol.

Carnoy's fluid - fixation time 1-3 hours.

Ethanol - 60ml

Chloroform - 30ml

Glacial acetic acid - 10ml

Fixed tissue should be processed immediately or transferred to 80% alcohol.

Formol sublimate - fixation time 4-6 hours.

Formalin (40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde) - 100ml

Mercuric chloride (saturated aqueous) - 900ml

Fixed tissue should be transferred to 80% alcohol.

Helly's fluid - fixation time 12-24 hours.

Stock solution:

Potassium dichromate - 25g

Mercuric chloride - 50g

Sodium sulphate - 10g

Distilled water - 1000ml

For use:

Stock solution - 100ml

Formalin ( - 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde) - 5ml

The fixative solution should be made up just before use. Fixed tissue must be washed for 24 hours in running tap water prior to

Neutral buffered formalin - fixation time 12-24 hours.

Formalin ( - 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde) - 100ml

Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate (monohydrate) - 4g

Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate (anhydrous) - 6.5g

Distilled water - 900ml

This fixative is suitable for most histological purposes. It is to be preferred to formol-saline (a single 10% solution of formalin in
0.9% aqueous NaCl) as formalin pigment is avoided. Specimens may be stored in this fluid. The solution is isotonic.

Michel's fixative for immunoflourescence - fixation time 24-48 hours.

Buffer :

0.81g potassium citrate

0.0625g N-ethylmaleimide - HANDLE WITH CARE!

0.123g magnesium sulphate

100mls distilled water

Before use add 55g ammonium sulphate and allow to dissolve.

Adjust pH to 7.0-7.2 with 1M KOH.

Place tissue biopsies in fixative for 24-48 hours. Wash tissues in buffer, three times over 10 minutes, and freeze at -70C.

Paraformaldehyde - fixation time depends on technique to follow.

Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate 2.26% - 41.5ml

Sodium hydroxide 2.52% - 8.5ml

Heat to 60-80C in a covered container.

Add 2g `Analar' paraformaldehyde and stir until dissolved. Filter.

Zenker's fluid - fixation time 4-24 hours.

Distilled water - 950ml

Potassium dichromate - 25g

Mercuric chloride - 50g

Glacial acetic acid - 50g

Fixed tissue should be washed overnight in running tap water before processing.


Formalin pigment

1. Dewax the sections, rinse in 100% alcohol, rinse in 70% alcohol, rinse in distilled water.

2. Treat in saturated alcoholic picric acid for 30 minutes to 2 hours.

3. Wash well in running tap water.

4. If yellow staining of the section persists rinse in dilute lithium carbonate.

5. Rinse in tap water.

6. Continue with method.

Mercury pigment

1. Dewax the sections, rinse in 100% alcohol, rinse in 70% alcohol, rinse in distilled water.

2. Treat in Lugols iodine for 2 minutes.

3. Decolourise in 5% sodium thiosulphate for 5 minutes.

4. Wash well in running tap water.

5. Continue with method.

Dichromate pigment

1. Dewax the sections, rinse in 100% alcohol, rinse in 70% alcohol, rinse in distilled water.

2. Treat in 2% HCl in 70% alcohol 16-24 hours.

3. Rinse in tap water.

4. Continue with method.

Citrate test


The citrate test detects the ability of an organism to use citrate as the sole source of carbon and energy. Bacteria are inoculated on a medium containing sodium citrate and a pH indicator such as bromothymol blue. The medium also contains inorganic ammonium salts, which are utilized as sole source of nitrogen. Use of citrate involves the enzyme citritase, which breaks down citrate to oxaloacetate and acetate. Oxaloacetate is further broken down to pyruvate and carbon dioxide (CO2). Production of sodium bicarbonate (Na2CO3) as well as ammonia (NH3) from the use of sodium citrate and ammonium salts results in alkaline pH. This results in a change of the medium’s color from green to blue.

Bacterial colonies are picked up from a straight wire and inoculated into slope of Simmons citrate agar and incubated overnight at 37 °C. If the organism has the ability to use citrate, the medium changes its color from green to blue.


Escherichia coli: Negative

Klebsiella pneumoniae: Positive

Frateuria Aurantia: Positive


Inoculate Simmons citrate agar (do not inoculate heavily) by using straight wire from an 18 to 24 hour old colony. Inoculating from a broth culture is not recommended because the inoculum would be too heavy. Incubate at 35°C for up to seven days.


Positive : Growth on the medium even without colour change will be considered as positive. A colour change in the medium would be observed if the test organism produces acid or alkali during its growth. The usual colour change observed is from green (neutral) to blue (alkaline).

Negative : No growth observed.

NCBI: Training & Tutorials

NCBINational Center for Biotechnology Information

U.S. government-funded national resource for molecular biology information. Access to many public databases and other references, ...


NCBI C++ Toolkit Manual

A comprehensive manual on the NCBI C++ toolkit, including its design and development framework, a C++ library reference, software examples and demos, FAQs and release notes. The manual is searchable online and can be downloaded as a series of PDF documents.

NCBI Education Page

Provides links to tutorials and training materials, including PowerPoint slides and print handouts.

NCBI Glossary

Part of the NCBI Handbook, this glossary contains descriptions of NCBI tools and acronyms, bioinformatics terms and data representation formats.

NCBI Handbook

An extensive collection of articles about NCBI databases and software. Designed for a novice user, each article presents a general overview of the resource and its design, along with tips for searching and using available analysis tools. All articles can be searched online and downloaded in PDF format; the handbook can be accessed through the NCBI Bookshelf.

NCBI Help Manual

Accessed through the NCBI Bookshelf, the Help Manual contains documentation for many NCBI resources, including PubMed, PubMed Central, the Entrez system, Gene, SNP and LinkOut. All chapters can be downloaded in PDF format.

NCBI Website Search

A database of static NCBI web pages, documentation, and online tools. These pages include such content as specialized online sequence analysis tools, back issues of newsletters, legacy resource description pages, sample code, and other miscellaneous resources. Searching this database is equivalent to a site search tool for the whole NCBI web site. FTP site is not covered.


FTP: NCBI Field Guide Manual

Downloadable material for NCBI's previously offered Field Guide training course.

FTP: NCBI Structure Course Materials

PowerPoint slides, handouts and exercises for the previously offered NCBI course "Exploring 3D Molecular Structures."

NCBI Data Specifications

Specifications for NCBI data in ASN.1 or DTD format are available on the Index of data_specs page. The "NCBI_data_conversion.html" links to the conversion tool.

National Library of Medicine (NLM) DTDs

A suite of tag sets for authoring and archiving journal articles as well as transferring journal articles from publishers to archives and between archives. There are four tag sets: Archiving and Interchange Tag Set - Created to enable an archive to capture as many of the structural and semantic components of existing printed and tagged journal material as conveniently as possible; Journal Publishing Tag Set - Optimized for archives that wish to regularize and control their content, not to accept the sequence and arrangement presented to them by any particular publisher; Article Authoring Tag Set - Designed for authoring new journal articles; NCBI Book Tag Set - Written specifically to describe volumes for the NCBI online libraries.


Amino Acid Explorer

This tool allows users to explore the characteristics of amino acids by comparing their structural and chemical properties, predicting protein sequence changes caused by mutations, viewing common substitutions, and browsing the functions of given residues in conserved domains.

BLAST Tutorials and Guides

This page links to a number of BLAST-related tutorials and guides, including a selection guide for BLAST algorithms, descriptions of BLAST output formats, explanations of the parameters for stand-alone BLAST, directions for setting up stand-alone BLAST on local machines and using the BLAST URL API.

Coffee Break

Part of the NCBI Bookshelf, Coffee Break combines reports on recent biomedical discoveries with use of NCBI tools. Each report incorporates interactive tutorials that show how NCBI bioinformatics tools are used as a part of the research process.


This interactive tool allows users to build E-utility URLs, either from a form or by hand, and then view their raw output. The tool provides a simple environment for testing E-utility URLs before including them in applications.


A tool that allows users to construct an E-utility analysis pipeline using an online form, and then generates a Perl script to execute the pipeline.


NCBI's monthly newsletter that provides information on new and updated databases, and software services. The News often has feature articles that highlight and demonstrate services, features, tools, and interesting data with practical examples of their use.

PSSM Viewer

Allows users to display, sort, subset and download position-specific score matrices (PSSMs) either from CDD records or from Position Specific Iterated (PSI)-BLAST protein searches. The tool also can align a query protein to the PSSM and highlight positions of high conservation.

PubMed Tutorials

A collection of web and flash tutorials on PubMed searching and linking, saving searches in MyNCBI, using MeSH and other PubMed services.

Science Primer

A basic introduction to the science and technology that underlies many of the NCBI resources. A great starting place for students and the general public, the Science Primer provides a basis for understanding the NCBI web site and mission, and provides direct links to many NCBI databases and tools. Topics include genome mapping, molecular modeling, mutations, microarrays (gene expression), genetics, pharmacogenomics (personalized medicine) and phylogenetics (evolutionary relationships).

H & E Staining Protocol

Fixation of Tissues

1. Where the best possible morphology is required, animals should be anesthesized and subjected to cardiac perfusion with saline, followed by a 10% formalin flush. If biochemical studies need to be performed on the tissue, a 10% formalin flush should not be used as it may interfere with subsequent analysis.

2. For routine stains where perfusion is not required, tissue is sectioned and drop-fixed in a 10% formalin solution. Fixative volume should be 20 times that of tissue on a weight per volume; use 2 ml of formalin per 100 mg of tissue.

3. Due to the slow rate of diffusion of formalin (0.5 mm hr), tissue should be sectioned into 3 mm slices on cooled brain before transfer into formalin. This will ensure the best possible preservation of tissue and offers rapid uniform penetration and fixation of tissue within 3 hours.

4. Tissue should be fixed for a minimum 48 hours at room temperature.

5. After 48 hours of fixation, move tissue into 70% ethanol for long term storage.

6. Keep fixation conditions standard for a particular study in order to minimize variability. (Although set times are best, tissue may be fixed for substantially longer periods without apparent harm.

A few notes on fixation

The usual fixative for paraffin embedded tissues is neutral buffered formalin (NBF). This is equivalent to 4% paraformaldehyde in a buffered solution plus a preservative (methanol) which prevents the conversion of formaldehyde to formic acid. Because of the preservative, NBF has a shelf life of months, whereas 4% PF must be made fresh. Optimal histology requires adequate fixation, about 48 hrs at room temperature for thinly sliced tissues. Inadequately fixed tissues will become dehydrated during tissue processing, resulting in hard and brittle specimens. Alcohol based fixatives generally do not give good morphology but may be useful in special cases (such as BrdU staining). A particular challenge for the histopathology is immunostaining fixed specimens. In many cases formaldehyde fixation will prevent recognition of epitopes by the primary antibody. Occasionally, “antigen retrieval” procedures will improve results but usually frozen sections are a better bet. An alternative approach, suitable for thin or porous tissues, is to perform immunohistochemistry on fresh tissues and then post-fix and embed the tissues in paraffin.

Decalcification of bone (optional):

After fixation, bone,must be decalcified, or else it won’t cut on the microtome:

Immerse tissue cassette in 11% formic acid with a stir bar overnight in a fume hood.

Rinse in running water for 30- 60 minutes (the smell should be gone).

Storage in 70% Ethanol:
After adequate fixation tissues are transferred to 70% ethanol and may be stored at 4°C.

Paraffin infiltration

In this procedure, tissue is dehydrated through a series of graded ethanol baths to displace the water, and then infiltrated with wax. The infiltrated tissues are then embedded into wax blocks. Once the tissue is embedded, it is stable for many years.

The most commonly used waxes for infiltration are the commercial paraffin waxes. A paraffin max is usually a mixture of straight chain or n-alkanes with a carbon chain length of between 20 and 40; the wax is a solid at room temperature but melts at temperatures up to about 65°C or 70°C. Paraffin wax can be purchased with melting points at different temperatures, the most common for histological use being about 56°C–58°C, At its melting point it tends to be slightly viscous, but this decreases as the temperature is increased. The traditional advice with paraffin wax is to use this about 2°C above its melting point. To decrease viscosity and improve infiltration of the tissue, technologists often increase the temperature to above 60°C or 65°C in practice to decrease viscosity.

In the schedule below, it is presumed that the working day is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If other than that, appropriate adjustments should be made.

Tissue preparation


No more than 3 mm thick.


20 mm × 30 mm.

Fixed tissue

Cut large organs into 3 mm slices and store in neutral buffered formalin for 48 hours. Select tissue from fixed areas, trim to size and refix until the evening. If the trimmed sample is visibly unfixed, refix for a further 24 hours.

Unfixed tissue

Slices of tissue should be thoroughly fixed before processing.


All times in processing fluids for this schedule are for tissues 3 mm thick or less. Tissues thicker than that will require longer times.

Clearing agent

Xylene or another clearing agent that will clear tissues in similar times should be used.

Processing time

This schedule takes 12 hours, and processes overnight. On weekends tissues should be left in fixative until Sunday evening with a 48 hour delay.

Trim fixed tissues and keep in neutral buffered formalin (NBF) until ready to proceed. Put tissues in a labeled (usually with pencil, as solvents dissolve the ink) cassette.

Once fixed, tissue is processed as follows, using gentle agitation, usually on a tissue processor, as follows:

1. 70% ethanol for 1 hour.

2. 95% ethanol (95% ethanol/5% methanol) for 1 hour.

3. First absolute ethanol for 1 hour .

4. Second absolute ethanol 1½ hours .

5. Third absolute ethanol 1½ hours.

6. Fourth absolute ethanol 2 hour.

7. First clearing agent ( Xylene or substitute) 1 hour.

8. Second First clearing agent (Xylene or substitute) 1 hour.

9. First wax (Paraplast X-tra) at 58°C for 1 hour.

10. Second wax (Paraplast X-tra) at 58°C 1 hour.

Due to the viscosity of molten paraffin wax, some form of gentle agitation is highly desirable. If the processor is to be run overnight it should be programmed to hold on the first ethanol bath and not finish until the next morning so the specimens do not sit in hot paraffin longer than the time indicated. If specimens are fresh they may incubate in formalin in the first stage on the machine. It is important to not keep the tissues in hot paraffin too long or else they become hard and brittle. Processed tissues can be stored in the cassettes at room temperature indefinitely.

Embedding tissues in paraffin blocks

Tissues processed into paraffin will have wax in the cassettes; in order to create smooth wax blocks, the wax first needs to be melted away placing the entire cassette in 58°C paraffin bath for 15 minutes. Turn the heat block on to melt the paraffin one hour before adding the tissue cassettes.

1. Open cassette to view tissue sample and choose a mold that best corresponds to the size of the tissue. A margin of at least 2 mm of paraffin surrounding all sides of the tissue gives best cutting support. Discard cassette lid.

2. Put small amount of molten paraffin in mold, dispensing from paraffin reservoir.

3. Using warm forceps, transfer tissue into mold, placing cut side down, as it was placed in the cassette.

4. Transfer mold to cold plate, and gently press tissue flat. Paraffin will solidify in a thin layer which holds the tissue in position.

5. When the tissue is in the desired orientation add the labeled tissue cassette on top of the mold as a backing. Press firmly.

6. Hot paraffin is added to the mold from the paraffin dispenser. Be sure there is enough paraffin to cover the face of the plastic cassette.

7. If necessary, fill cassette with paraffin while cooling, keeping the mold full until solid.

8. Paraffin should solidify in 30 minutes. When the wax is completely cooled and hardened (30 minutes) the paraffin block can be easily popped out of the mold; the wax blocks should not stick. If the wax cracks or the tissues are not aligned well, simply melt them again and start over.

The tissue and paraffin attached to the cassette has formed a block, which is ready for sectioning.Tissue blocks can be stored at room temperature for years.

Sectioning tissues

Tissues are sectioned using a microtome. Turn on the water bath and check that the temp is 35-37ºC. Use fresh deionized water (DEPC treated water must be used if in situ hybridization will be performed on the sections). Blocks to be sectioned are placed face down on an ice block or heat sink for 10 minutes. Place a fresh blade on the microtome; blades may be used to section up to 10 blocks, but replace if sectioning becomes problematic. Insert the block into the microtome chuck so the wax block faces the blade and is aligned in the vertical plane.

Set the dial to cut 10 µM sections to order to plane the block; once it is cutting smoothly, set to 5 µM
sections . The blade should angled at 5º. Face the block by cutting it down to the desired tissue plane and discard the paraffin ribbon. If the block is ribboning well then cut another four sections and pick them up with forceps or a fine paint brush and float them on the surface of the 37ºC water bath. Float the sections onto the surface of clean glass slides. If the block is not ribboning well then place it back on the ice block to cool off firm up the wax. If the specimens fragment when placed on the water bath then it may be too hot.

Place the slides with paraffin sections on the warming block in a 65°C oven for 20 minutes (so the wax just starts to melt) to bond the tissue to the glass. Slides can be stored overnight at room temperature.

Haematoxylin Eosin (H&E) staining

Lung tissue stained with the H&E technique. Nuclei are darkly stained in this image.

H&E stain, HE stain or hematoxylin and eosin stain, is a popular staining method in histology. It is the most widely used stain in medical diagnosis; for example when a pathologist looks at a biopsy of a suspected cancer, the histological section is likely to be stained with H&E and termed H&E section,H+E section, or HE section.

The staining method involves application ofhemalum, which is a complex formed from aluminium ions and oxidized hematoxylin. This colors nuclei of cells (and a few other objects, such as keratohyalin granules) blue. Materials colored blue by hemalum are often said to be basophilic, but this is an incorrect use of the word. The nuclear staining is folowed by counterstaining with an aqueous or alcoholic solution of eosin Y, which colors eosinophilic other structures in various shades of red, pink and orange.


Haematoxylin Solutions

Haematoxylin stains are commonly employed for histologic studies, often employed to color the nuclei of cells (and a few other objects, such as keratohyalin granules) blue. The mordants used to demonstrate nuclear and cytoplasmic structures are alum and iron, forming lakes or colored complexes (dye-mordant-tissue complexes), the color of which will depend on the salt used. Aluminium salt lakes are usually colored blue white while ferric salt lakes are colored blue-black.

The three main alum haematoxylin solutions employed are Ehrlich’s haematoxylin, Harris’s haematoxylin and Mayer’s haematoxylin. The name haemalum is preferable to “haematoxylin” for these solutions because haematein, a product of oxidation of haematoxylin, is the compound that combines with aluminium ions to form the active dye-metal complex. Alum haematoxylin solutions impart to the nuclei of cells a light transparent red stain which rapidly turns blue on exposure to any neutral or alkaline liquid.

Alum or potassium aluminium sulfate used as the mordant usually dissociates in an alkaline solution, combining with OH? of water to form insoluble aluminium hydroxide. In the presence of excess acid, aluminium hydroxide cannot be formed thus failure of aluminium haematoxylin dye-lake to form, due to lack of OH? ions. Hence, acid solutions of alum haematoxylin become red. During staining alum haematoxylin stained sections are usually passed on to a neutral or alkaline solution (e.g. hard tap water or 1% ammonium hydroxide) in order to neutralize the acid and form an insoluble blue aluminium haematin complex. This procedure is known as blueing.

When tap water is not sufficiently alkaline, or is even acid and is unsatisfactory for blueing haematoxylin, a tap water substitute consisting of 3.5 g NaHCO3 and 20 g MgSO4.7H2O in one liter of water with thymol (to inhibit formation of moulds), is used to accelerate blueing of thin paraffin sections. Addition of a trace of any alkali to tap or distilled water also provides an effective blueing solution; a few drops of strong ammonium hydroxide or of saturated aqueous lithium carbonate, added immediately before use, are sufficient for a 400 ml staining dish full of water. Use of very cold water slows down the blueing process, whereas warming accelerates it. In fact, the use of water below 10°C for blueing sections may even produce pink artifact discolorations in the tissue.

The staining of nuclei by hemalum does not require the presence of DNA and is probably due to binding of the dye-metal complex to arginine-rich basic nucleoproteins such as histones. The mechanism is different from that of nuclear staining by basic (cationic) dyes such as thionine or toluidine blue. Staining by basic dyes is prevented by chemical or enzymatic extraction of nucleic acids. Such extractions do not prevent staining of nuclei by hemalum.

Eosin Solutions

Eosin is a fluorescent red dye resulting from the action of bromine on fluorescein. It can be used to stain cytoplasm, collagen and muscle fibers for examination under the microscope. Structures that stain readily with eosin are termed eosinophilic.Eosin is most often used as a counterstain to haematoxylin in H&E (haematoxylin and eosin) staining. Eosin stains red blood cells intensely red. Eosin is an acidic dye and shows up in the basic parts of the cell, ie the cytoplasm. For staining, eosin Y is typically used in concentrations of 1 to 5 percent weight by volume, dissolved in water or ethanol. For prevention of mold growth in aqueous solutions, thymol is sometimes added. A small concentration (0.5 percent) of acetic acid usually gives a deeper red stain to the tissue.

Other colors, e.g. yellow and brown, can be present in the sample; they are caused by intrinsic pigments, e.g. melanin.

Some structures do not stain well. Basal laminae need to be stained by PAS stain or some silver stains in order to exhibit appropriate contrast. Reticular fibers also require silver stain. Hydrophobic structures also tend to remain clear; these are usually rich in fats, eg. adipocytes, myelin around neuron axons, and Golgi apparatus membranes.

Chromosome In Situ Hybridization

A modern approach to the specific location of genes on chromosomes is a technique for the hybridization of DNA and RNA "in situ." With this procedure, specific radioactive RNA or DNA (known as probes) can be isolated (or synthesized "in vitro") and then annealed to chromosomes which have been treated in such a manner that their basic double stranded DNA has been "melted" or dissociated.

In theory, and fortunately in practice, when the DNA is allowed to re-anneal, the probe competes for the binding, but only where it mirrors a complimentary sequence. Thus, RNA will attach to the location on the chromosome where the code for its production is to be found. DNA will anneal to either RNA which is still attached to a chromosome, or to the complimentary sequence DNA strand within the chromosome. Since the probe is radioactive, it can be localized via autoradiographic techniques.

Finally, it is possible to produce an RNA probe that is synthesized directly from repetitive sequences of DNA, such as that found within the nucleolar organizer region of the genome. This RNA is known as cRNA (for copied RNA) and is a convenient source of a probe for localizing the nucleolar organizer gene within the nucleus, or on a specific chromosome.

The use of in situ hybridization begins with good cytological preparations of the cells to be studied, and the preparation of pure radioactive probes for the analysis. The details depend upon whether the hybridization is between DNA (probe) and DNA (chromosome), DNA (probe) and RNA (chromosome), or between RNA (probe) and DNA (chromosome).

Preparation of the Probe:

Produce radioactive RNA by incubating the cells to be measured in the presence of ^3H-uracil, a specific precursor to RNA. Subsequent to this incubation, extract rRNA from the sample and purify through differential centrifugation, column chromatography or electrophoresis. Dissolve the radioactive RNA probe in 4X Saline-Citrate containing 50% formamide to yield a sample that has 50,000 to 100,000 counts per minute, per 30 microliter sample, as determined with a scintillation counter. Add the formamide is added to prevent the aggregation of RNA.

Preparation of the Slides:

Fix the materials to be studied in either 95% ethanol or in 3:1 methanol:water, attach to pre-subbed slides (as squashes for chromosomes) and air dry.


Place the air dried slides into a moist chamber, usually a disposable petri dish containing filter paper and carefully place 30 microliters of RNA probe in 4X SSC-50% formamide onto the sample.

Carefully add a cover slip (as in the preparation of a wet mount), place the top on the container and place in an incubator at 37° C for 6-12 hours.


Pick up the slides and dip into 2X SSC so that the coverglass falls off.

Place the slides in a coplin jar containing 2X SSC for 15 minutes at room temperature.

Transfer the slides to a treatment with RNase (50 microgram/ml RNase A, 100 units/ml RNase T1 in 2X SSC) at 37° C for 1 hour.

Wash twice in 2X SSC, 15 minutes each.

Wash twice in 70% ethanol, twice in 95% ethanol and air dry.


Add photographic emulsions to the slides and after a suitable exposure period, develop the slides, counterstain and add cover slips.

Analyze the slides by determining the location of the radioactive probe on the chromosomes or within the nuclei.

(Dr. William H. Heidcamp)