Friday, January 15, 2010

Protein Purification Related Articles

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1. Expression and Purification of Soluble and Correctly Folded Bovine β-Lactoglobulin Variants A and B in Escherichia coli for NMR Studies
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 December 2009
Komala Ponniah, Trevor S. Loo, Patrick J.B. Edwards, Steven M. Pascal, Geoffrey B. Jameson, ...

2. Expression of soluble and functional human neonatal Fc receptor in Pichia pastoris
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 December 2009
Chang-Han Lee, Dong-Ki Choi, Hye-Ji Choi, Moo-Young Song, Yong-Sung Kim

3. Formate-nitrate transporters: optimisation of expression, purification and analysis of prokaryotic and eukaryotic representatives
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 16 December 2009
Katherine S.H. Beckham, Jane A. Potter, Shiela E. Unkles

4. Streamlined, automated protocols for the production of milligram quantities of untagged recombinant human cyclophilin-A (hCypA) and untagged human proliferating cell nuclear antigen (hPCNA) using ÄKTAxpress™
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 6 December 2009
Cornelia Ludwig, Martin A. Wear, Malcolm D. Walkinshaw

5. Expression, purification and primary crystallographic study of human androgen receptor in complex with DNA and coactivator motifs
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 6 December 2009
X. Edward Zhou, Kelly Suino-Powell, Phumzile L. Ludidi, Donald P. McDonnell, H. Eric Xu

6. Purification and characterization of recombinant CH3 domain fragment of the CREB-binding protein
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 6 December 2009
Catherine Ibarra Drendall, Quang H. Pham, Eric C. Dietze

7. Establishment of a simple and rapid method to screen for strong promoters in Bacillus subtilis
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 December 2009
Trang Thi Phuong Phan, Hoang Duc Nguyen, Wolfgang Schumann

8. An Improved Procedure for the Purification of the Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase Omega Subunit
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 December 2009
Catherine E. Vrentas, Tamas Gaal, Richard R. Burgess, Richard L. Gourse

9. Establishment of a simple and rapid method to screen for strong promoters in Bacillus subtilis
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 December 2009
Trang Thi Phuong Phan, Hoang Duc Nguyen, Wolfgang Schumann

10. An Improved Procedure for the Purification of the Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase Omega Subunit
Publication year: 2009
Source: Protein Expression and Purification, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 December 2009
Catherine E. Vrentas, Tamas Gaal, Richard R. Burgess, Richard L. Gourse

Protein Purification (from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)


1 Purpose

2 Strategies

3 Evaluating purification yield

4 Purification of a tagged protein

5 Methods of protein purification

6 Extraction

7 Precipitation and differential solubilization

8 Ultracentrifugation

9 Chromatographic methods

9.1 Size exclusion chromatography

9.2 Separation based on charge or hydrophobicity

9.3 Ion exchange chromatography

9.4 Affinity chromatography

9.4.1 Metal binding

9.4.2 Immunoaffinity chromatography

9.5 HPLC

10 Concentration of the purified protein

10.1 Lyophilization

10.2 Ultrafiltration

11 Analytical

11.1 Denaturing-Condition Electrophoresis

11.2 Non-Denaturing-Condition Electrophoresis

12 References

13 External links

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