Sunday, December 21, 2008

Web Links: RNA

Chapter.7. RNA

Amino-allyl labeling
TRIzol plus RNEasy Mini
RNEasy Midi
TRIzol product insert
RNA amplification
RNA gel electrophoresis

C. elegans RNA prep: Michael Koelle

In vitro transcription reaction

Isolation of poly-A RNA

LiCl RNA Preparation: MGH

Northern blots

Northern Blots: Michael Koelle

Nucleotide composition of RNA

Orcinol determination of RNA

Phenol extraction of rRNA (rat liver)

RNA and protein extraction from the same sample

RNA prepararion (from plants tissue)

RNA Preparation: MGH

Spectrophotometric analysis of RNA

Sucrose density fractionation

Worm RNA Preparation: MGH

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