Sunday, December 21, 2008

Web Links: Histochemistry Protocols

Chapter 3. Histochemistry Protocols

Alkaline Phosphatase Localization



Cell fixation - room temperature paraformaldehyde (good for paraspeckles/speckles for 5 min; most other things for 10 min)
Cell fixation - methanol

Conjugating antibodies to fluorescent probes

Histology Protocol

Immunoflourescence of MEFs
Mouse Necropsy
Necropsy form
Paraffin embedding and Sectioning
Staining Protocols
H & E staining
BrdU Staining Histological Sections
X-gal Staining
HRP-DAB Immunostaining
AP-BCIP/NBT Immunostaining
GFP & BrdU In Situ Immunoflourescence
Fixation, permeabilization and immunostaining of cells
(contains images and movies)
Cell fixation - warm paraformaldehyde (preserves microtubules)

Immunofluorescent Localization of Tubulin

Methyl Green-Pyronin Staining of DNA and RNA

Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Reaction

Selective Staining: Prepared Slides

The Feulgen Procedure for DNA

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