Sunday, December 21, 2008

Web Links: Cellular Biology

Chapter.10. Cellular Biology

Aseptic Cell Transfers

Calcium Phosphate tranfection of adherent mammalian cells (works well for 293 cells)

Cell mass by Measurement of Turbidity

Computation of Transfer Aliquots

Culturing MEFs
Calcium Phosphate Coprecipitation

Determining cell counts

Effectene (QIAGEN) tranfection of adherent mammalian cells (works well for HeLas and many other cell types)

Establishing stable cell lines

Establishment of a Primary Culture

Eukaryote Growth Dynamics

Examination of Bacterial Colonies

Fugene (Roche) tranfection of adherent mammalian cellsDOTAP (Roche) tranfection of adherent mammalian cells

Fusing cells to create heterokaryons

Gram Stain (+\-)

Harvesting murine bone marrow

Hematopoietic CFC assays


Metaphase chromosome preparation

Preservation and storage

Prokaryote Cell Number by Dilution Plating

Purification of L-KS+ marrow cells
Retrovirus Production
STO and ES Cell Culture

Safety considerations

Tissue culture methods

Tissue Culture of PtK1 Cells

Transfer of Eukaryote Suspension Cultures

TUNEL Protocol

Types of cells grown in culture

Viability Cell Count

Work area and equipment
XC assay of MoMLV

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