Sunday, December 21, 2008

Web Links: DNA

Chapter.8. DNA

ABC Random Amplification
Alcohol Precipitation of DNA
AML sample DNA preparation

Agarose gel electrophoresis

Agarose gel electrophoresis

Boomerang DNA Amplification Single primer DNA amplification

cDNA amplification from l-phage library

cDNA library screening

Characterization of DNA

DIG DNA labelling and hybrid detection (Boehringer Mannheim)

Direct Automated Sequencing off Bacterial Genomic DNABruce Rhoe

DNA extraction from agarose (Qiagen)

DNA - dische diphenylamine determination

DNA Fragment Isolation from LM agarose

DNA Ligation

DNA detection
DAPI chromosome identification

DNA preparation by cryostom tissue dissection
DNA labeling by nick translation

Ethanol precipitation of DNA

Extraction of DNA from bovine spleen


Genomic DNA preparation (plants)

Large Scale Plasmid Preparation: MGH

Modifications of DNA ends

PCR amplification of DNA

PCR product purification (Qiagen)

Perfectly Blunt Cloning of DNA (Novagen)

Phenol/chloroform extraction of DNA

Plasmid midi-prep from bacteria

Preparation of genomic DNA from bacteria

Purification of DNA


Random Primed labeling of DNA (Prime-It II -Stratagene)

Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA
Southern Hybridization
Stark's Prehybridization Buffer

Sequencing using Sequenase

Southern blot

Tail DNA prep

Wizard Plus Mini-preps (109. Plasmid Mini-prep)

Worm Genomic DNA: MGH

Worm genomic Southern blots: Michael Koelle

In vivo transcription

BrUTP labeling of RNA transcripts

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