Sunday, December 21, 2008

Web Links: Protein

Chapter 4. Protein

Affinity column preparation and Immunoprecipitation

Affinity purification of Antibodies

B-PER Bacterial Protein extraction reagent (Pierce)

Bradford quantification of protein concentration

Crosslinking Protocol

Crosslinking the antibody to the beads protocol | Abcam

Factor Xa Cleavage of GST fusions

GST-fusion protein injection into rabbits

GST-protein fusion expression, purification and other uses

His-fusion protein purification (Novagen/Qiagen)

Histone Kinase Assay
Western blot

Immunoblot Anaylsis


Protein Interactions Captured by Chemical Cross-linking: One-Step Cross Linking.

Protein precipitations

Protein preparation (from plants tissue)

Protein staining

Protocol: Cross-linking of IgG to Protein A or G Beads: NEB

Radio-labeling of protoplasts


Silver staining

Stripping blots to reprobe with different antibodies

UV Crosslinking Protocol

Western blots

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